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Send Money

Through the world leader Western Union we send money to any part of the world in just 5 minutes. Western Union is present in over 200 countries and territories and has over 525.000 service points. You can also choose to send money directly to your bank account.

To send money, proceed to a Unicâmbio counter and you will find that the process is very simple and fast. You just have to:
  1. Enter the name of the receiver/beneficiary, the amount to be sent; the Country and/or the city of destination (*).
  2. Present your Identification Card: National Citizen Identity Card or Citizen Card, EU Community Identity Card, Residence Card (EU citizen registered in Portugal), Residence Permit (issued by SEF / MAI), Passport, duly valid.
  3. Save the form containing the 10 digit transaction code (MTCN) so that you can indicate it to the sending beneficiary.
    Some countries require the submission of the transaction code.
    To find out if the country of destination of the transfer requires the submission of the MTCN you should request this information at the counter.

    In the option of sending money directly to the bank account it will be requested the elements of the destination bank account.

Restrictions and special indications

Sending from Portugal:

  • The minimum age to send money is 18 years.
  • Maximum transfer limit: € 5,500.00 per day (some transfer destination countries may have other limits on Money Receipt).

For larger amount transactions, a Western Union’s prior approval is required, provided the requirements requested by the same.

(*)The operators will request other information at the sending moment.

To find out the general conditions under which the service is provided, please read the Terms and Conditions of the Western Union Money transfer Service®.

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