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Receive Money

  1. Enter sender’s name, country of origin of the transfer, amount receivable, MTCN (required), security question and answer (if applicable)
  2. Present your Identification Card: National Citizen Identity Card or Citizen Card, EU Community Identity Card, Residence Card (EU citizen registered in Portugal), Residence Permit (issued by SEF/MAI), Passport, duly valid.
  3. The employee checks your ID Card, you just have to sign the receipt and receive the money.

Restrictions and special indications

Money reception in Portugal:

  • The minimum cash withdrawal age is 18 years.
  • The beneficiary’s name in a transfer of funds must exactly match with the name on the identification card.

(*)The operators will request other information at the sending moment.

To find out the general conditions under which the service is provided, please read the Terms and Conditions of the Western Union Money transfer Service®.

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